3 Simple Instant Skincare Lifehack Remedies

Did you know that applying aspirin on your skin can help disinfect pores? Honey will also instantly soothe your skin and reduce redness.

"skincare winter, skincare-summer, skincare-remedies"
Lifehack instructions:
1. Apply toner generously to affected areas to open your pores up.
2. Crush 1 aspirin and add in 30-50ml of toner (about 2-3 tablespoonsful) and blend it into a paste
3. Apply the paste to affected acne spots and leave it for about 5 minutes

4. Wash off the paste and apply some natural manuka honey to you blemishes

5. Wash off the honey and notice the difference!


I bet you also didn't know that toothpaste - besides keeping your teeth clean, also helps in removing bug bites, swelling and itchy rashes!

Lifehack instructions:

1. Apply toothpaste directly to bites or acne
2. Let it dry
3. Go to sleep
4. Voila! No more redness and itching

Lemon and Sugar

Lemons are Mother Nature's antiseptic! Their acidity makes the perfect for removing dirt and killing the bacteria from your pores. Over time this reduces the sebum secreted by your skin. Sugar is an excellent exfoliant and opens up your pores.

Lifehack instructions:

1. Cut a whole lemon into two
2. Take an exposed half and sprinkle sugar lightly on it
3. Squeeze the lemon half while slowly rubbing your face in a circular motion to remove dead skin
4.  Do this nightly - and you'll see the difference in a week!

Hope these quick-fixes are useful for your skincare regimen! And of course, for really glowing skin, you can't go without any of our scrubs.
