Bost your Computer Run Speed Tips

Every computer user have a tension about computer pc or laptob slow problems. But most of the user don’t know how to delete or can be refresh the drives and to delete an old files. Today I shared with you how to solve this problem. Just follow these rules:

1.Start>>All Programs>>Click Run>> write in run ‘prefetch’ then click ok-then click continue>> and delete all file.

2. Start>>All Programs>>Click Run>> write in run ‘recent’ then click ok-then click continue>> and delete all file.

3. Start>>All Programs>>Click Run>> write in run ‘temp’ then click ok-then click continue>> and delete all file.

4. Start>>All Programs>>Click Run>> write in run ‘%temp%’ then click ok-then click continue>> and delete all file.

5.Start>>All Programs>>Click Run>> write in run ‘tree’ then click ok-then click continue>> and delete all file.

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